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~ Abigail Hinds ~


Hello dear soul. Whaley big welcome to you. 

My name is Abigail Hinds.


My devotion is in the realms of healing and re-wilding the female body & soul.

We are birthing a new and ancient way of living on this earth, through the portals of our wombs. It is essential we are inhabiting and tending this sacred space to birth in health and balance. Inhabiting our wombs and hearts, connected to the song of our soul, and in co-creation with God. So we can birth visions that are truly in harmony and support of the future generations to come. 


My awakening path began with my womb. And since that opening, I have been drawn to pursue medicine that supports the womb, the breasts / heart, and the spirit of women. Medicine that had been largely forgotten, burned, buried, and certainly left out of my previous education. 


I am a wisdom keeper of these feminine healing lineages, and bone deep ancestral medicines, that nourish the life-giving creative powers of the heart, womb, and soul.  That nourish our ability to weave and co-create with the Divine. 


My offerings support women to nourish their wild roots, and open to the wellspring of their feminine magic so they can walk their unique path of soul. I specialize in Holistic Breast Care & Massage, Whale Womb Healing, Animal Medicine, Ceremonial Art Creations, and Sensual Soul Embodiment. 


I love teaching, and have shared feminine wisdom workshops and ceremonies at events and major gatherings across the country, including at Symbiosis, NorCal Permaculture Convergence, and Spirit Weavers. 


Sometimes I feel like part mermaid whale songstress, and part feral cat. I love the spiraling feminine Venusian water mysteries of sensuality and beauty. Swimming and singing in the depths of the whale songs and emotional realms. I also have a fierce and ambitions fire. I carry a sword of truth. I walk with a wild connection to the earth and my body. I tend to the life and death of animals with my hands, I prefer to shit in composting toilets, and I would never hire someone to clean my dishes for me ;) Ultimately, it is all connected. And there is so much more to me than these identifications. But perhaps it gives you a glimpse into me. 

~ More about what I do ~ 

 I tend to the hearts and breasts of women through offering Breast Massage and Breast Health Education.

Tending to the internal lymphatic rivers so the feminine intelligence of our waters and hearts may flow freely. I am a specialist in all things Breast Care, and am passionate about empowering women to take their breast health into their own hands. In the past 7 years of being immersed in this field, I have massaged hundreds of women’s breasts, and taught workshops all over the country. 


You can read a more thorough bio for my breast massage experience and qualifications at the bottom of this page here…



I am a songstress who channels soulful medicine music, mermaid melodies, and the voice of the Whales.

Yes, I sing Whale Songs. These whale songs have been known to move tides of tears within, awaken ancient soul memories, and bridge a connection to the otherworldly realm of the whales. Song is one of the deepest medicines I carry, and I incorporate it into most of my offerings. I also collaborate with the whales for sound medicine journeys, water blessings, and womb healings.


You can read more about my relationship to the whales here ~ (page coming soon)



 As a weaver and artist, I create spirit-filled pieces of beauty and medicine.

Revitalizing the wisdom of ancestral arts, I am deeply interested in returning ways of creation that are in honoring and harmonic reciprocity with the earth. Practical and mystical creations that are alive with spirit and prayer. Items that are made by loving hands and hearts, rather than in a factory of exploitation.


I weave with the animals and medicines of the earth. I weave with the songs and prayers of my voice and the Divine.

I weave medicine drums and rattles. I make feather wands, jewelry, and animal medicine adornments.


I tend to the animals in life and death, spirt and form. I have been processing and preserving animals for many years now ~

learning the arts of butchering, tanning, and preserving animal parts to make food, and art, and useful tools.

All while honoring their spirit. I continue to be a student and deepen in these ways.



I am currently living in Scotland, UK. I felt the deep call to return to my ancestral homelands here,

the place my prayers want to take root. I will be traveling up and down the West Coast, USA in the spring & early summer

to offer workshops, sessions, and collect with beloved friends.


~ Teachers Trainings & Lineage ~ 

I am a weaver at heart.

With that, the medicine I carry comes

from a multitude of diverse sources and experiences,

woven through the unique essence of my soul

into this tapestry of offerings.


I am deeply grateful to all of my amazing teachers of this world

and beyond ~ for the wisdom and medicine they have cultivated,

embodied, kept alive, and graciously shared.


I am deeply grateful for my ancestors and the lineages I come from.

As much of the medicine I carry and express comes from them.


I walk with mostly Celtic Ancestry ~ Scottish, Irish, Welsh, British

as well as Mongolian, Norwegian, Dutch, and German ancestry.



My studies with Maria Christina Owl of Sacred Future has been one of my main teachers & mentors on this path. Much of my journey with her was immersed in earth-based ritual, nature connection, ancestral wisdom connection, intuitive development, energy medicine, and embodied channeling. It was a soul - level initiatory journey the whole way through. I participated in her 9 month Transformational Leadership program and then apprenticed through 2 other ones. 


My embodiment lens and guided journeying is deeply inspired by and based in teachings of Intuitive Body & Dance and the Deep Body Model® by Stefana Serafina. My work with Stefana deeply supported my yearning for the wildness of my feminine to have expression. To have space where my body could speak in her circles and spirals and unexplainable motions that were certainly not of the mind. She created space for me to access deep womb in my body. To let my body be free to speak from the inside. This has allowed me to walk more freely in my body ~ in my natural expression to move through life in more presence and deeply felt connection. 


Amanda Elo’esh has been a big sister and guide for me on the Priestess path. I journeyed through her 13 Cycle Divine Feminine Initiation, moving through different archetypes of the feminine. This initiated me into a path of honoring the holy and embodying the multi- faceted nature of the feminine. I have a special ode to the Weaver Creatrix archetype she helped awaken within. Her embodiment and guidance was crucial during a rocky time of awakening in my life.  


I studied Ayurvedic Medicine at the Dhyana Center in Sebastopol under DeAnna Batdorff. I took the Ayurvedic Foundations Course and the intensives on Ayurvedic Lymphatic Bodywork and Aromatherapy. I also apprenticed at Women's Herbal Symposium offering Ayurvedic Lymphatic Breast Massage and did many hours of apprenticeship / supervised practice. This significantly influenced me to have an elemental Ayurvedic lens for health & self-care practices of nourishment. And was the beginning and foundation of the Breast Massage I now offer. 


Maya Spiritual Healing ~ a shamanic healing lineage passed down through Don Elijio Panti to Dr. Rosita Arvigo, passed to me through my teacher Samar Ocean Wolf Ciprian. This is a lineage focused on spiritual baths and prayer work, allying deeply with the plant and flower spirits for addressing the energetic and spiritual bodies. 

~ My main teachers & trainings ~

For a few years of my journey, I sat in ceremony and private shamanic training with plant medicine. The teachers do not want to be publicly named. The healing, medicine and gifts I received from these experiences are too vast and immense to name or even put into words. Some significant pieces that greatly influence my work now is working with sound medicine and singing from my soul embodiment, tending to sacred space, working in the invisible realms, energetic hygiene, holding space for a vast diversity of intensity,

and walking humbly in service. 


I studied with Dakota Chanel in her Water Priestess Mystery School and other trainings, learning and remembering the ways of the Water Priestess and ancient water arts. This was deeply influential to my work, illuminating more of the water medicine and magic that is woven into my offerings. She also awakened me to drinking wild water which forever changed the rivers of my life. 


A magical and powerful woman, Veronica Clarke taught me the weaving technique I use in my pendant creations. She is an epic and incredible human being, who I was very inspired by on my path. When I learned from her, it was like my hands remembered this way and I picked it up very quickly. 


Golden Drum Collective was the first group that taught me how to weave a medicine drum. My drum teacher Ralph Acker in Washington taught me how to weave drums

in the style I predominately use. 


Cade Jeanelle Salvo passed on the craft of making Ceremonial Feather Wands from her own created pathway of making Native American style wands. 

~ Womb Medicine ~

 For Womb Healing, I began my journey many years ago with the 9 Moon Womb Initiation through Fountain of Life.This was deeply impactful and opened me to the immense healing of working within the shamanic realms of the womb. It broke me open in a way, and began a journey of healing some deep womb trauma. 


To be clear, I do not follow the Moon anymore as a source of feminine wisdom and 

empowerment. Though in the beginning of my journey, I did. 


Other powerful and influential courses / workshops were ~

Marya Stark’s Voice of the Womb, Stefana Serafina’s Womb Embodiment Journey,

La Loba Loca’s Radically and Consciously Mxnstruating, Sage Trucano’s Womb Massage,

and Anya’s Yoni Steaming class.


Most of my teachers from the larger trainings I participated in also incorporated teachings on

the womb & sacred sexuality as part of their trainings.


In addition to my trainings, I have sat in countless red tents, womb circles and womxn’s spaces where I have collected bits and pieces of womb wisdom, stories, and inspiration from healers, teachers, medicine women, friends, and wise women from all different walks of life. Once I began my journey and realized the power of the womb, I was thirsty for wisdom and healing, and I dove deep into my womb path, going to just about any event or workshop I could find on the womb.


The first workshops I taught were on Tracking your Cycle & Natural Birth Control.

For a few years I taught on womb health & healing, womb blood magic, and connecting to your womb cycle. 

~ Helpers and Guides ~

There is also a wellspring of wisdom and medicine I have cultivated through my walk in life, my relationship to God, and my direct connection to spirit helpers. 


I am very grateful that early on, many of my teachers encouraged personal connection to Spirit, rather than being the "Guru" or intermediary.

This supported me to open my psychic gifts and intuitive channels. And experience direct communication with the realms of spirit & animal guides, ancestors, plants, nature, and the cosmos. 


I must acknowledge some of the many non human guides and teachers.

I learn directly from them and would not be much of anywhere today without their love, wisdom, and support.


The waters ~ lakes, rivers, creeks, waterfalls, shower cascades, springs, and ocean mother. The sacred fire. The plants that heal me every day in many a ways. The trees ~ cedar, birch, maple, hawthorn, pine, fir, and so many I don't know their names. The stone people. The shell people. The stars, the grasses, the mountains,  and the great shining sun. 


Honoring all of the lands from which I come and walk. Honoring the ancestral and indigenous medicine of these lands, the nature spirits of these lands, and the songs and prayers of these lands. That all have impacted my life walk.


The animals have been deeply with me for most of my awakening journey. Deep sea bow of gratitude to the Humpback Whale Tribes, the Dolphin Pods, Turtle, Shark, the Big and Small Cats in their many forms, Elk, &Deer Kin, Buffalo Spirit, Sheep, Squirrel, Fox, Rabbit, the Holy Cow, the Winged Ones, Grandmother Spider, and the Great Bear. 

In Rainbow Love 
~ Abigail ~
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