Feather Wand Making Class

~ Online ~
December 14, 5-8pm pst

In this class, we will be creating our own magical feather wands. These can be used for clearing, healing, and blessing for yourself and others. These wands are a way to connect and collaborate with the spirit of the birds and the trees through their feathers and branches, infused with your own prayers and magic woven in.
We will open a sacred space with prayers and songs. Setting our intentions and sharing ourselves. I will guide a meditation / invitation to drop more deeply into your body and senses. We will bless our hands, and our materials. Then I will guide you, step-by-step, to craft your wand and we will all weave together. I will be sharing a solid structure for how to securely construct the wand, and within that will be a lot of space for your own intuitive creativity and expression. Each wand is completely unique! I will be sharing medicine, songs, and teachings from the birds throughout our journey together.
This class is inspired by an ancestral wisdom project I shared with a group during a leadership training many years ago. Wand making, and specifically working with different tree spirits to weave magic, comes from my Celtic Druid ancestors. Through my ancestral re-connection journey I realized that much of the medicine I was already weaving came from my ancestors. I choose to share my love of weaving prayer and magic into earth materials, creating ceremonial tools for healing. The feathers came in later as the birds began coming to me and speaking to me. I work closely with many bird kin and their feathers / wings to share their medicine.
There are many different indigenous traditions that make a variation of feather wands and feather fans, including many Native tribes of these lands. This particular way I share is not from any specific tradition. Though it is inspired from many other culture's expression of woven feather medicine, as what I have seen has influenced me greatly. It is also from my ancestors, and the traditions they have woven into my bones. I believe that the crafting of sacred objects from earth materials is a species imperative ~ a medicine tradition found in cultures all over the world, that is in each of our blood and bones, awaiting remembering and honoring. I give thanks for all of those who have kept these earth weaving ways and traditions alive, and who have shared pieces with me ♡
Want to join us?
♡ To Register ♡
1 ~ Send reciprocity through
Venmo ~ @AbigailHinds (preferred)
or Paypal ~ abbyhinds@gmail.com
2 ~ Email abigail@wombweaving.com
with the subject line "Feather Wand"
Please share if you have your own materials,
or if you would like me to send some to you.
If you would like materials from me, I will reach out
asap so you can get them in time for the class!
3 ~ At some point early-December, you will receive a welcome email with all of the information and
zoom link for the course!
E-Mail: abigail@wombweaving.com
with any questions!
~ Exchange ~
$33 using your own materials
$55 materials sent to you
*** I can send you a feather(s), leather for wrapping, and adornments for you wand if you would like. I have many feather options and a few leather colors.
If you choose this option, I will send you photos of what I have available and you choose what you are called to and I will send them to you!
The materials you need for the class:
~ feather / group of feathers
~ stick for the wand
~ strap of leather or thick fabric
~ string & adornments (optional)
beads / shells / crystals
to decorate & enhance
~ super glue / scissors
~ candle & plant smoke to burn
(like cedar or copal)