~ Drum Making Workshops ~

Be held in a prayerful container as you
Weave your own Medicine Drum
In prayer and presence, we weave these medicine drums into being,
our hands flowing as extensions of our heart’s intentions.
These ancient instruments connect us to the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
They open a whole realm of sound and rhythm, pulse and prayer.
They also open a relationship with the spirit of the animal that is woven into the drum.
This is a weekend to gather in sacred space.
To nourish our wild roots and awaken ancient remembrance, as we weave our prayers and songs together into beautiful instruments that will support our earth walk.
Our space will be filled with prayerful offerings ~ singing sacred songs,
gathering around a fire, time with the Earth and forest around us,
support of the plant allies, and creating beauty and nourishment.
All to support you in opening to creativity, deep connection, and inspiration,
as you weave the sacred intentions of your heart into your drum.
Through guided movement and meditation journeys, you will be supported to make a powerful connection to the spirit of the animal you are weaving with, and open to an honoring and reciprocal relationship with them.
Drumming is in our bones,
the rhythm singing through our blood
Awakening the songs, of our heart's deepest love
​May this drum bring you closer to the pulse of the earth and open the authentic rhythm of your heart's song.

~ Drum Details ~

These drums are woven completely with animal skin, (as opposed to string) which I really love the feel of.
The back handle is a braided cross hide design,
and is light and comfortable to hold.
The drums we will weave will have a bit of a smaller inner circle, so the cross braided pattern will be smaller, and there will be more of the weaving of the strips of hide visible.
The frames are beautifully crafted with Oak wood from sustainably
managed European forests.
You can choose a 16" Deer Hide Drum
Or a 16" or 18" Reindeer Hide Drum
~ If you would like a larger size ~
18" or 20" Deer Drum is £40 extra
20" Reindeer Drum is £60 extra
We will be making a unique mallet for each drum.
And you will receive instructions for how to care for your drum
and keep it tuned in any environment.
We will be weaving with Deer hide from the UK. And Reindeer hide from Finland.
Each animal hide has a unique spirit and energy.
I find that the perfect hide always comes through for who it is meant for.
Below are some musings I have written about deer and reindeer medicine.
Know that there is so much more to these animal medicines that you will discover as you open to relationship with your drum.
~ Deer Medicine ~

~ Reindeer Medicine ~
Reindeer is the only deer relatives where the females have antler crowns. They carry a noble quality of dignity and worthiness. Reindeer are strongly connected with the Mother of Life, and the energies of fertility and sustenance. Reindeer is also connected to the medicine of multi-dimensional sight and being able to see in the dark, to see what others cannot. Their medicine brings forth wisdom and resourcefulness from the deep well within. They can support with perseverance and strength to adapt within any environment and life circumstance. Keeping the flame of Mother's care alive and well in the heart space.
A beautiful song I found online about Reindeer Spirit
Weaves Her New Light Into Dark Bones
Breathes Her Breath Into The Old Wounds
Flickers Fire In The Cold Heart
Calls The Song Back From The Deep Dark
Guides The Antler To The Heart
Deer medicine brings us into wholesomeness and innocence. Gently returning to the heart and getting quiet enough to hear the whispers from within. There is a wild spirit of the forest present, as it's the place the deer call home and where they roam freely. This animal spirit calls in the light of the heart to softly shine in the places we need support and guidance.
Deer is a thinner hide that has a beautiful resonance of sound. It can sometimes be softer and lighter than thicker hides like buffalo and elk. The deer hides are often a mix of brown colors, with different dark brown and golden hues.

~ Registration Details ~
& upcoming workshops
~ The Steadings, Stirling ~
Scotland, UK
August 24 & 25
~ Flow of Weekend ~
Saturday August 24th
Arrival 10am
Opening circle - Cacao ~
Offerings - Intentions
Drum making part 1
~ Lunch Together ~ provided
Connecting to your hide & the animal spirit of your drum
Drum making part 2
Day ends around 7pm
Dinner around fire together ~ provided
Sunday August 25th
Arrival 10am
Making our mallets
Mindfulness practice to reactivate subtle bodies
Birthing Your Drum
Lunch Together ~ provided
Song Share & Collective Drumming
Closing Circle
Day ends around 3-4pm
~ Exchange ~
Exchange for two days of guidance, all the materials, lunch and tea-snacks both days
£100 Deposit to hold your space
(non refundable, due to cost of material)
> Optional larger drum for extra £40-60 (see above)
*** Registration & drum order is due by August 2nd
so we have enough time to order and pick up the hides & supplies.
You can choose what size frame and hide you would like to weave with ~ see options above
To BOOK your participation:
> Payment through:
> Send a message to abigail@wombweaving.com with confirmation and drum orders & details
Exact location details and items to bring for our weekend together will be sent out through email once you have registered in early August before we begin.
~ Led by Abigail Hinds ~
& Hosted by Wendy Mills

~ About Abigail ~
As a weaver and artist, I create spirit-filled pieces of beauty and medicine. Revitalizing the wisdom of ancestral arts, I am deeply interested in returning ways of creation that are in honoring and harmonic reciprocity with the earth. Practical and mystical creations that are alive with spirit and prayer. Items that are made by loving hands and hearts, rather than in a factory of exploitation.
I weave with the animals and medicines of the earth. I weave with the songs and prayers of my voice and the Divine. I weave medicine drums and rattles.
I make feather wands, jewelry, and animal medicine adornments.
I tend to the animals in life and death, spirt and form. I have been processing and preserving animals for many years now ~ learning the arts of butchering, tanning, and preserving animal parts to make food, art, and useful tools.
All while honoring their spirit.
These weaving hands love working with the animal hides, as each one has such a unique spirit and energy. When I wove my first drum, it was as if my hands remembered how. It is a natural art for me.
About 2 years ago I began focusing more on drum making and weaving drums for others. Then I began sharing this wisdom and teaching drum making, supporting others to birth their own drums into being.
It is my great honor to weave these drums and
connect people with this innate remembering.
My prayer is that these drums bring people closer to
the pulse of the earth and open the
authentic rhythm of their heart's song.