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In prayer and presence, I hand ~ weave medicine drums.

These ancient instruments connect us to

the heartbeat of Mother Earth.


They open a whole realm of sound and rhythm,

pulse and prayer.


They also open a relationship with the spirit of

the animal that is woven into the drum. 


These weaving hands love working with the animal hides, as each one has such a unique spirit and energy. When I wove my first drum, it was as if my hands remembered how.

It is a natural art for me.


It is my great honor to weave these drums and connect people with this innate remembering.


My prayer is that these drums bring people closer to the pulse of the earth and open the authentic rhythm of their heart's song.

Drumming is in our bones,

the rhythm singing through our blood
Awakening the songs,

of our heart's deepest love

~ Custom Drums ~ 

~ Orders Currently to ship January & February 2025 ~

16" Medicine Drum ~ $330 


18" Medicine Drum ~ $380


20" Medicine Drum ~ $440


plus shipping which is about $45 in the US

and up to double that for international

I can weave with Elk, Deer, and Buffalo hides, depending on availability


Each drum comes with it’s own mallet.

And with instructions for how to care for your drum and keep it tuned.


I weave these drums in prayer and presence, 

infusing them with great care, beauty, and any of your specific intentions. 


These drums are woven completely with animal skin, (as opposed to string) which I really love the feel of. The back handle is a braided cross hide design, and is light and comfortable to hold. It is in the style of the drums pictured above. 

The frames are beautifully crafted with red cedar from Washington state.

They are made by my friend and are super sturdy and will not warp over time because of the way they are constructed.​


Each animal hide has a unique spirit and energy.

I find that the perfect hide always comes through for who it is meant for.


Further below on the page are some musings I have written about deer and elk medicine. Know that there is so much more to these animal medicines that you will discover as you open to relationship with your drum.

Reach out through email if you are wanting to order a custom drum: 


Interested in making your own Medicine Drum? 

I offer 1-1 

Drum Birthing Ceremonies

online through Zoom 
or scheduling in-person: CA and OR in May & June 2025
~ Deer Medicine ~ 

Deer medicine brings us into wholesomeness and innocence. Gently returning to the heart and getting quiet enough to hear the whispers from within. There is a wild spirit of the forest present, as it's the place the deer call home and where they roam freely. This animal spirit calls in the light of the heart to softly shine in the places we need support and guidance. They are a guardian of the family and sacred union. 


Deer is a thinner hide that has a beautiful resonance of sound. It can sometimes be softer and lighter than thicker hides like buffalo and elk. The deer that I work with often has a white~ish brown color, with many golden and some more white /brown.

~ Elk Medicine ~

Elk medicine is strong and steady presence. It calls us into integrity with our walk and our words. Elk medicine is supporting for bringing greater stability and cohesion into your life. Elk anchors the star light into the earthly realms. Elven king and queen of the forest work with this medicine.


Elk is a thick hide and I find that there is a beautiful and deep resonance with the sound. The elk that I work with can range from a more white & golden brown color to a much darker brown

~ Buffalo Medicine ~ 

Buffalo medicine brings us into the heart of our prayer. It calls forth deep integrity that is intimately woven with our relation the earth and the stars. With our interconnectedness to all of life and creation. Buffalo can be strong and powerful medicine. It asks us to walk our talk. To stand tall and grounded as a bridge between the earthly and heavenly realms. There is so much more to Buffalo medicine that you can discover as you open to relationship with your drum.


Buffalo is a thick hide and I find that there is a beautiful and deep resonance with the sound.

​2024 Whale Womb Weaving

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