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~ Whale Womb Weaving Sessions ~


Online ~ $188     

90 minutes to 2 hours


In-Person ~ $333

90 min - 3 hours

These sessions are a very special collaboration between me and the whales to offer healing and activation support for your body temple and sou's path. We delve into the depths of your inner waters, cleansing, purifying, nourishing and renewing. With gentle guidance you get to explore what is alive and moving within your inner sanctuary of creation. 


This session is a combination of psychic energy medicine attunement, guided somatic journeying, and sound medicine transmission from the whales. It may also include a floral spirit bath when supportive and called for. We will also be weaving with water magic and medicine that will be shared in detail once a session is booked. 


The whales do have a special affinity for supporting the womb space, and sessions for women will most likely be womb healing sessions focused on supporting the activation of your womb space as a sanctuary of creation. Though these sessions are also open to all, and may focus on the other centers of creation ~ the hara for men, and also specifically the heart and crown centers.


These sessions are held in a loving container of clarity and protection, of Divine guidance and grace.

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Can be scheduled anywhere in the world from the sanctuary of your own home.

You will be invited to create a simple altar and offerings to the whales.





In person sessions will be ideally scheduled at a location outdoors next to a body of water. By a river or lake, ocean or waterfall. These sessions are a bit longer as they include creating a beautiful altar and sacred space together, with flowers and other offering to the whales. These also include an Eagret feather blessing and hands on somatic support if called for. 

~ Whale Womb Space ~

I call it Whale Womb Space


 the frequency taurus field of the whales

ancient womb consciousness

deep oceanic embrace

of the grandmothers weaving

in slow flowing movements

and primordial sound spheres


The high beam star light sounds of crystalline ancestors. 

The deep bellowing wails from the depths of the seas. 


Full spectrum rainbow medicine of ancient soul remembering. 


The whales are womb tenders.

They are water benders. 


They help to clear blockages and move stuck places.

They open up more FLOW in a gentle yet powerful way.


They support soul ~ level remembering of our magic. 

What it truly means to be alive at this time. 

 Activation of why we came here.


And the courage to sing the songs of our soul. 


All within the embrace of their gigantic whale hearts. 

All in service to the original harmonic songs of creation.


Birthing in joy and love through our wombs.


~ ~ ~ 

When I say the whales are collaborating with me for these sessions,

they are truly there as healers alongside me, supporting your journey. 


Their spirit is invoked to assist within all dimensions of healing. 


The whales may bring through specific guidance for

your path and unique journey.


You may see their eyes, or feel them spiraling around you.  

You may feeeeeeel their loving presence. 


They help you access this oceanic womb space within you. 


Enlivening the crystalline waters of your body as a sanctuary

that is supportive of all you are creating in your life.


Igniting a holy fire of love that is potent enough

to destroy what is not for life. 


Deep sea bow of honor to your holy vessel of creation.

May this be of the highest and deepest service 

to your sacred unfolding.

These sessions can support ~

✨ Receiving direct guidance and messages from the



✨ Field of spaciousness and depth to receive 

        direct guidance from your soul & inner waters 


✨ Feeling more embodied & connected to your 

       energy centers & flow within 


✨ Connecting to your soul ESSENCE and anchoring 

      more of that into your body 


✨ Preparing your womb / hara and heart space for

       conscious conception ~ receptivity ~ fertility 


✨ Preparing your womb / hara and heart for a loving

       and divinely aligned partnership


💧 Awaking more aliveness within the water of your body


💧 Illuminating realms of magic within 


💧 Connection to womb-heart-crown guardians 


💧 Connection with animal guides, spirit guides and

        benevolent ancestors


💧 Sound frequency healing for cellular and DNA level 



💧 Clearing & moving stuck, stagnant & discordant



💧 Clearing of past lovers from the heart, womb / hara

         & psychic fields ~ unhealthy cord removals


💧 Ritual healing & completing of past abortion or



Our womb ~ our root ~ is the source of our creative power. 

It is our stargate portal, the rainbow bridge

between the material and spiritual realms


Our heart is the source of our LOVE.

The inner temple of our Holy flame of passion and devotion

designed to radiate nourishment and love into all we create

designed to be a highly attuned frequency device

to see what is of love and what is not.


Our crown is the Source of our God consciousness. 

Our connection to the Divine Intelligence.

The luminescent rainbow liquid light

of our cerebral spinal fluid.


Just like we energetically cleanse a space with plant smoke,

our energy centers need this energetic hygiene & upkeep as well. 


We also travel within our waters to seed the beautiful prayers

and energies that we want to see grow and blossom.

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